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High School

Students attending high school at Burton School District are provided options to pursue their interests and be prepared for their future.

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Summit Collegiate High School


During high school, our students have options to enroll in early college classes to get a head start with a few classes or earn a two year college degree.


High school students at Summit have the option to join one of our academies to explore careers that they are interested in.

Early College Graduates at SCHS

Our high school students have access to high quality academies as well as individualized support along the way.  Explore our academies by hearing from our students 

Our Academies at SCHS

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Early College Academy

Students completing this academy have the opportunity to receive their Associates Degree from Porterville College.

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Academy of Culinary & Hospitality

Students learn about the preparation of food as well as safety practices to prepare students for a future position in the culinary arts.

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Academy of Leadership in Business

Student learn about the successful business practices and strategies to begin to brainstorm and build their own business.

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Academy of Digital Design and Innovation

Students learn multimedia design techniques throughout the ADDI course sequence and then apply their learning to real businesses.



Summit has provided many opportunities to prepare me for my future.  I have been able to work closely with my counselor to get a head start on my college courses.



Summit has helped me explore my future plans and goals through the college program. It helps students like me to prepare for the future and have a better understanding of the real world after graduation. 



Having the opportunity to get a jump start on my education has developed my independence and made me more prepared for the future.

Preparing SCHS Students to be Future Ready

Visit our College and Career Ready Resource Page to Find Out More Information to Prepare for the Future Beyond High School

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