Elementary School
It is important that students at Burton School District start working on their future now as it will provide them with the path to a successful future.
Working collaboratively with staff, parents, and our community to enhance students' academic, college and career readiness to meet the needs of the whole child.
College Readiness Lessons & Activities
Elementary counselors have created short lessons and activities to introduce students to the possibilities of college:
College 101 Lesson
Goal Setting Lesson
"You Matter" Activity
College Tours and Presentations
4th Grade
With the help of elementary counselors and classroom teachers, 4th grade students complete the following activities:
Career Interest Profiler
Career Worth Investigating
Looking forward and Goal Setting
Career Readiness Lessons & Activities
Elementary counselors have created short lessons and activities to introduce students to the possibilities of college:
Financial Literacy Lesson
Soft Skills Lesson
Career Exploration Activities
Life/Study Skills Groups
6th Grade
As 6th grade students begin preparation for the next steps moving into middle school, they complete the following activities:
Register with the California Colleges Guidance Initiative (CCGI) and complete the interest profiler to see what careers fit with the student's interest
Complete College 101 lesson with Elementary Counselors
Begin goal setting
Having a chance to do the 4th grade portfolio helped me feel prepared for the future.
Having to research our career made me realize my options and the skills needed to become a good vet.
Having to research our career has motivated me to try harder to learn more and focus in class.